Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kids, kids, kids!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Okey doke... I'm blogging!
Tomorrow is a pretty open day and the twins want to "take pishers"... sure. I'll break out old faithful (my new baby is in New York being replaced. Boo!) and shoot the little turkey girls. I'll be sure to share them later.
Wow! I feel so much better now that I'm finally getting my blog rockin'! Thanks for visiting.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Answers to questions about times and locations for Holiday shoots...
Tell me about the locations...
Rancho Santa Margarita Lake- I love this location and have been shooting my family there for years. I shoot at the "back end" of the lake near the amphitheatre off of Los Flores on the opposite side of the shore from Santa Margarita Parkway. There is a parking lot at this end which is easily and directly accessible to the shoot location on the rocks near the water's edge. Here are some older shots from about where we will be shooting.
Above Portrait by Bob Ortiz
Refinery at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest... located on lower campus, it is an awesome lagoon like setting with pools and rocks on one side, green park like option on the other. Best of both worlds, I love to shoot there! Park in the park and ride to the bottom of the Refinery building if you want park like nature setting, and just adjacent to it in the upper Refinery parking lot for the more beachy, rocky setting.
Irvine Park in Orange... beautiful nature park setting in central Orange County.
Quick Q&A's:
Q: Will I get a CD of all of the images?
A: No. I have a lovely online photo gallery where you will have access to the 6-8 edited images from the shoot as well as access to view the remaining images. You may download the retouched images at will from the galleries. No CD's necessary. The gallery also has convenient online printing options right from the site if you don't want to deal with running around and printing them yourself.
Q: Will we look silly all decked out in our holiday best at the beach?
A: Yes and no. This shoot's feel is what you want to make of it and there's nothing wrong with green velvet on the sand. BUT I have found that the RSM Lake and Irvine Park lend themselves a little more to the more formal portraits and Aliso Creek Beach and The Refinery are a little more laid back settings. But remember, friends... this is California! We can get away with almost anything; so no matter the mood you want to convey... run with! Our out of state friends and family already think we're a little nutty so why not show off our uniqueness? Do what works for you. I'll make sure to take gorgeous images.
Q: What time should I arrive?
A: Because of the fast pace of these mini shoots, it is highly recommended you show up 20 minutes before your scheduled shoot time. If you are late, we cannot shoot longer in respect to the family scheduled immediately after you. 15 minutes is absolutely enough time to get some great family shots but the full 25 is optimal for you to get as much good stuff out of the shoot as is possible.
Q: My kids Cannot stay clean and unwrinkled for long... what do I do?
A: Again, arrive early and change your children into their clothing just before the shoot time so that their time is limited in the outfits you intend them to shoot in. It is important for you to be ready to start shooting right at your scheduled time, but hair and clothes can be adjusted just beforehand.
Q: What should we wear?
A: Whatever floats your boat! Jewel tones, blacks and reds look GREAT in almost any setting. White looks pretty but can wash you out. I've found that black against the ocean, lake and foliage just looks stunning!
I will address more Q's as they come in. Thanks for your interest!
I'm up and Running!
Look at me, all official and stuff. I've released the dates and locations for this Fall/Holiday Season Mini Shoot Extraviganza and let me tell you, I'm so excited. The response in the first 24 hours has been so wonderful and the support and encouragement from friends and coleagues, truly heart warming. Thank you, All! I just cannot wait to get my lens on all of you.
Here is my flyer with shoot info. You cal also find info below. I will be posting soon with location addresses, details and answers to FAQ's soon. Stay tuned and thanks so much for visiting.

Enjoy charming pictures that you will treasure. Great for your walls, holiday greeting cards and newsletters to friends and family.Please visit my online gallery to see my work. http://rebeccadeverphotography.smugmug.com/
Shoots will be in 25 minute sessions at several locations in Orange County
*Note, shoot times have been adjusted for end of daylight savings time.
· Saturday, November 7th 7-9:30am -Aliso Creek Beach
· Monday, November 9th 3-5pm -Saddleback Church Refinery
· Wednesday, November 11th 3-5pm -Rancho Santa Margarita Lake
· Saturday, November 14th 7-9:30am -Aliso Creek Beach
· Sunday, November 15th 7-9:30am -Rancho Santa Margarita Lake
· Saturday, November 21st 7-10am -Irvine Park in Orange
Lake & Park Shoots, $75 Beach Shoots $100
Shoot Session times are available on a first come, first served basis.
Sessions will yield best 5-8 retouched images available to you by December 1st and access to all images in online gallery. Retouch on additional images available at additional charge per image.
Session cancelations must be made within 72 hours of shoot date or half session fee will be charged. *Session fee applicable to future session less $10 rescheduling fee.
My Online gallery has beautiful and convenient saving & sharing capabilities and printing options for friends & family!
Custom design of Holiday Cards also available. (Also Birth, Wedding & Engagement Announcements, Birthday Invitations, Email Signatures, Business Card & Logo Design)
To reserve a shoot time or to ask questions, please call 949.290.2492 or just email me at rdphotography@cox.net
Hope to hear from you soon & look forward to seeing you through my lens!~Rebecca DeverCreative Partner, RD Photography & Graphic Design